Apr 05


Advancing IoT Technology Brings a Spectrum of New Niagara Applications


Charlotte Convention Center - Room E218

Apr 05 - Apr 05, 2022 / 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Mobile devices, wireless networking and IoT advancements have opened new applications for a centralized OT platform like Niagara Framework . Clearly better in-building cellular coverage and the potential for ultra-high connection density is opening new vistas for the Niagara Development Community as well. Innovators from Veea Inc., Evauto, and Tyrrell Products will report on their work bringing Niagara together with cutting-edge tech. The session will cover real case studies—one involving how 5G and mesh networking can take the concept of a BMS to the next level in solutions that can scale to serve large, multi-tenant buildings as well as large building portfolios; a second case study covers a smart-city initiative focused on fire alarm reporting and management; the third case study is about an open Niagara-based Electric Vehicle (EV) Fleet Charge Management System that helps customers automate and fine-tune energy usage and reap the greatest savings from utility-run demand response programs. Presenters will share insights on how they made Niagara the foundation of their operational-data hubs.