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Identify and eliminate energy waste

Deploy Niagara to Manage Energy Performance

Niagara Framework® is a core technology that has enabled enterprises, institutions and property management companies to shrink their carbon footprints and reduce energy bills. Operational data from building infrastructure and equipment inside a multi-story office, across a campus, or across a large network of geographically independent properties can be centralized in a Niagara controls network. From there, the data can be used to monitor and control energy usage and to enable participation in utility-run demand response programs. Niagara is being used in smart energy networks, MicroGrid installments, and Net-Zero buildings today. Call us to learn more about these deployments and to discuss how Niagara can help you comply with future energy regulation and Green-Energy initiatives.

Performance Contracting

By deploying Niagara across customer sites, Energy Service companies can extract the data they need to optimize operations, maximize energy savings and fulfill the measurement & verification (M&V) requirements, key to financing energy efficiency retrofits.

Niagara Analytics
Niagara Analytics

Be Data Driven

Niagara Analytics gives you the real-time business intelligence you need to make smarter, swifter decisions and improve operations with less time, less work, less waste and less expense.

Niagara-Compatible Drivers

Niagara Framework® offers an open platform that developers all over the world are utilizing to create solutions to current challenges inside buildings and beyond. In many cases, the right driver for your integration work is available off-the-shelf from one of our development partners.

Find out what Niagara can do for your energy systems

More Tools & Resources

Niagara Analytics Data Sheet
For a translated version visit the Library.

Case Study - Campus Utilities Set for Success with Niagara Analytics

Watch the Niagara Analytics TridiumTalk

Use the power of the Niagara Community to optimize your energy