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Safeguard Your Data with Niagara Recover

Niagara Recover™ is a cloud subscription service for data backup and recovery that saves you time and effort. No more rebuilding graphics, alarms, histories, analytics, and users each time you restore a Niagara 4 device! No more worrying about local storage capacity! 

Niagara Recover, another service in the Niagara Cloud Suite™, helps Niagara Framework® users safeguard their deployments from data loss. It maintains a current copy of Niagara station data in the event of a planned or unplanned outage that would otherwise interrupt operations and/or continuity of data collection. With a Niagara Recover subscription, users can achieve seamless, secure and scalable backups of Niagara to the cloud and access backups at their convenience. 


To create a cyber-protected backup environment for your data, Niagara Recover features:

  • Automated and on-demand backups
  • Backups enriched by meta-data details
  • Secure data encryption in motion and at rest
  • Flexibility and scalability—subscribers can back up a JACE or Supervisor station without concern for managing disk space
  • Seamless integration of backup functionality into a Niagara network

Niagara Recover and other Niagara Cloud Suite™ offerings require an active Niagara Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) throughout the term of the subscription. The end-customer should be updated to a current, supported release of Niagara Framework with all the latest cyber-threat protections applied. All Subscribers to an offering in the Niagara Cloud Suite have access to the Niagara Cloud Management portal.


  • Subscribers can program a backup step into the Niagara station’s control logic to be initiated according to a schedule or with a specified user action. 
  • Up to five backups per instance are stored on rotation. 
  • The earliest of the 5 timestamped backups that has not been labeled as the preset “preferred backup” will be overwritten.
  • There are no limits on the size of the backup. 
  • Subscribers can retrieve their selected timestamped or preferred backup for a covered Niagara instance at any time and use the station’s passphrase to restore to the device.


All Subscribers to an offering in the Niagara Cloud Suite have access to the Niagara Cloud Management portal. From this portal, subscribers can setup and access the following Niagara Cloud Suite services:

  • For systems integrators:
    • Ability to register a device to a customer-unique cloud tenant
    • Ability to create a partner-view hierarchy describing customer, project and subscribed device by hostID
    • Ability to create and retrieve backups
    • Ability to assign customer users
  • For End Users (Building Owner/ Property Manager):
  • View devices registered to their organization
  • View and retrieve backups

Extending Niagara Framework to the Cloud

Starting February 1, 2024, you can request a 90-day trial of Niagara Recover™ and Niagara Remote™ for your Niagara Supervisor or JACE license.

Reseller must have a direct or indirect relationship with Tridium to start the trial.

Want to learn more about Niagara Recover?

More Tools & Resources

Niagara Cloud Suite SMA Bundle

Niagara Recover Features Overview

Niagara Recover Data Sheet

TridiumTalk: Niagara Recover

Niagara Recover™ Training

This course focuses on the features and functionality of Niagara Recover™. Niagara Recover is part of the Niagara Cloud Suite™ and its main function is that it can access backups remotely. This can be used and deployed to supervisors and JACEs at a moments notice through the usage of Niagara Cloud Suite.  

Niagara Cloud Suite™

Niagara Cloud Suite™ is a scalable cloud-based solution that provides secure, remote building management services that leverages the Niagara Framework®

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