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Niagara Cloud Suite Evaluation Form

Reseller must have a direct or indirect relationship with Tridium to start the evaluation

Niagara Cloud Suite¹ 90-Day Trial

Reseller must have a direct or indirect relationship with Tridium to start the trial
The Niagara Cloud Suite¹ Evaluation gives qualified registrants the opportunity to access and evaluate Tridium's Niagara Cloud Suite commencing in accordance with the Evaluation Agreement terms. To apply for the opportunity, please complete the form below.


Niagara Cloud Suite Evaluation Eligibility Prerequisites:

  • Niagara instance must be running latest supported versions of Niagara Framework
  • Acceptance of Evaluation Agreement required by entity evaluating Niagara Cloud Suite
The Niagara Cloud Suite¹ 90-Day Free Trial gives qualified registrants the opportunity to access and evaluate Tridium's Niagara Remote and/or Niagara Recover offerings (part of the Niagara Cloud Suite) for a period of ninety (90) days commencing on the date that both qualified registrant eligibility is confirmed and the Niagara Remote and/or Niagara Recover Offering(s) are added by Tridium's Operations Team to the HOST ID/licenses provided by you. To apply for the opportunity to enroll, please complete the form below.

Niagara Cloud Suite 90-Day Trial Eligibility Prerequisites:

  • ¹Applicable only to the Niagara Remote and/or Niagara Recover Offerings within the Niagara Cloud Suite
  • Niagara instance must be running latest supported versions of Niagara Framework
  • Acceptance of SaaS Evaluation Agreement of Niagara Cloud Suite 90-Day trial ("Evaluation Terms") required by entity evaluating Tridium's Niagara Remote and/or Niagara Recover offerings
  • One 90-day trial per device/license