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UxMedia adopts the latest UI development principles to streamline your overall UI workflow process and to empower you to create that cutting-edge user experience that truly delights customers.
Enables an improved end user experience
- Faster graphics load time by removing the rendering and layout from the JACE and shifting it to the browser
- UxMedia widgets provides immediate feedback upon value changes
Fosters an enriched modern developer environment
- Utilize rich sets of open-source development tools to enable a native HTML5 and JavaScript UI that is more flexible and adaptable to future cloud-based solutions
- UI development process is more efficient since evaluating widget changes does not require a module rebuild and a station restart - just hit refresh in the browser to try out the new behavior!
Product Manager Stephen Holicky and Sr. Software Engineer Logan Byam will provide an overview of how UxMedia can improve your graphical visualizations in Niagara. Participants will take away an understanding of how to use UxMedia to achieve faster graphics loading time, as well as how you can easily convert your existing PX graphics to a contemporary UI via a built-in migration tool!
Be sure to register today to attend the TridiumTalk on how this feature can improve your end user’s visual experience in Niagara. A Q&A session follows.
Visit our events page to watch recordings of past TridiumTalks.
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