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Nov 10


Enterprise SMA Management Tool

This TridiumTalk provides an overview on how to order and manage Enterprise SMAs directly from Niagara Central using the Enterprise SMA Management Tool (ESMT).


Nov 10 - Nov 10, 2022 / 11 AM ET

Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) coverage is a simple and cost-effective way to ensure long-term customer satisfaction with a Niagara deployment. Tridium wants to make it as friction-free as possible for our partners to build a strong software maintenance business. You are now able to order and manage Enterprise SMAs directly from Niagara Central using the new Enterprise SMA Management Tool (ESMT).

License Administrators within Niagara Partner companies will be able to manage all Niagara Framework® licenses for an entire end-customer list. With ESMT, you can import licenses from spreadsheets and project folders in to an ESMA sales proposal — creating and sharing draft proposals with a full bill of materials (BOM) for SMA purchases.

The Enterprise SMA Management Tool features:

  • Modernized, intuitive UI design
  • Ability to quickly and easily upload and enroll hostIDs
  • Ability to consolidate multiple smaller customers into one Enterprise SMA proposal

Jacqueline Walpole, Sr. Product Manager, and Adam Plaskey, Sr. Customer Support Professional,  discuss the features of the new Enterprise Software Maintenance Tool and how to get started using ESMT to manage all Niagara Framework® licenses for an entire end-customer list from a single account. 

Learn more about the Enterprise SMA Management Tool by reviewing these materials:

If you have further questions, call Tridium Customer Support: Toll Free +1 877-305-1745, or email support@tridium.com


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